Performance Giving Network

Welcome to the Performance Giving Network (PGN for short). We are a Global force of Entrepreneurs looking to make the World an Amazing Place for all.

Performance Giving Network

Wealth Re-Distribution!

We’re creating an economic solution for the entire World to Participate in. This is a massive movement. and thousands and thousands have already joined in.

We have a entire support team in charge of expanding, training, and turning this into a reality.

To eradicate poverty and improve the quality of life for everyone we come into contact with.

We do this through an amazing process.

The Income Methods within the Performance Giving Network:

See how we’re tackling economic issues in a variety of ways. These are examples of ways to generate revenue streams in order to live a better life. These are solutions that will allow poverty to be eliminated from the planet.

It all starts with providing the world access to a real Global Banking Solution. This is where the TippingCircle comes into play. START HERE! Get set up.

Paid to Chat: Literally the world’s most secure chat program. And you get paid to use it.

Paid to Game: The most fantastic games, played online and with a monetary reward for participation.

Paid to Watch TV! Our Premium and Paid TV program is unrivaled in the industry. We’re bringing our premium tv programs and educational content to people all around the world.